Class Policies and Tips

Class Policies:

1. Homework will be 20% of the grade. Tests will be 80% of the grade.

2. Homework will have one day of grace after due date. Late assignment may be penalized 10% per day after grace period.

3. No book or device allowed during test. Calculator, handouts, and notes  will be allowed during test unless noted otherwise.

4. Test corrections will recover 1/4 of lost points.

5. If you take retest, the final score will be 1/4 of original test score plus 3/4 of the retest score.

6. All test corrections and retest should be done before the next test.

7. Cheating will results in 50 demerits and zero point on the assignment/test. Cheating on the test will forfit the retest and test correction previleges for that test.

Tips to do well in class:

1. Take notes as you are learning the lessons.

2. Do assignments honestly. Make sure you understand the concepts. Don't just copy the answers then turn them in.

3. Use solution videos as tutorial.

4. Don't fall behind.

5. Form study group to help each other.

6. Prepare good notes for tests.

7. Compare notes with other students to ensure that you are not missing anything for tests.

8. Don't wait for last minutes to study for test.

9. Seek help if you don't understand.

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